SCRIPTURE READING: Daily Scripture reading, devotions, and meditation are foundational elements of the Christian faith that is practiced in daily life. In God’s Word we find the inspiration, strength, encouragement, and guidance we need to live and think as Christians.

For Devotions:

For Openers:

For Your Information:

For Discussion:

  1. How is the Bible like or unlike the following?
  1. When you read the Bible, what are you most interested in?
  1. Consider 2 Timothy 3.16-17 again. What does it mean to say Scripture is inspired by God? Does it mean that the Bible is true? Factually accurate? Literally correct? Can something be true without being factual? Real without being actual?
  2. Read the statement from the ELCA Constitution. Does it accurately reflect your understanding of the Bible? What is it implicitly not acknowledging?
  3. Consider Hebrews 4.12 again. In what ways is the Word of God like a "two-edged sword"?
  4. What is the relationship between the Old and the New Testaments? To put it another way, what is the story line of the whole Bible that holds it all together?
  5. In light of the story about the Ethiopian official in Acts 8.26-39, what do you need in order to read and understand the Bible? What will be the effect of your reading?
  6. Thinking of John 1 again, why is "Word of God" a helpful way of describing Jesus?
  7. Tell about a time when a passage from Scripture was important to you or ‘just the word you needed to hear.’
  8. What is a Bible passage you want read at your funeral? Why?

For Practice:

EXERCISE 1: Choose a favorite passage (Psalm 23 is a good one) and compare it with a number of different translations. Do you like one version better than the others? Why? Does any particular turn of phrase help you rethink or re-imagine a verse’s meaning?

EXERCISE 2: Choose a favorite verse and read it through entirely emphasizing one word at a time. Give time for meditation between each reading of the verse. When you are done, share your insights.

EXERCISE 3: Join your daily praying with your daily Scripture reading. Choose a verse and use the T.R.I.P. method of asking:

(For more on this T.R.I.P. method, see the Daily Texts from Mount Carmel Ministries, page vi. Contact them at 1-800-793-4311 or at

EXERCISE 4: Enact a Bible scene with people playing human, animal, and inanimate roles. Pay close attention to the text in order to get the proper staging. Use your imagination to fill in the unspoken parts of the scene. (If you are by yourself, visualize the scene as if you were filming a movie of it.) Some good passages you may wish to try are:

When done, reflect on any new insights you have.

For Later:

For Further Study:

Sacred Reading: The Art of Lectio Divina by Michael Casey (Triumph, 1995) - Lectio Divina is an ancient and revered method of reading the Bible.

The ELCA "accepts the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God and the authoritative source and norm of its proclamation, faith, and life."

[ELCA Constitution, 2.03]

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